Attribute |
Value |
Explanation |
Type |
Default Value |
pl-upload |
Pass this Parameter to turn your button into pl-upload. |
pl-auto-upload |
true/false |
Pass true or false as string to turn your button as auto upload or to pick files with your button. |
String |
true |
pl-files-model |
An empty array |
Pass an empty array to store the files uploaded.An empty array must be defined to store the files. |
Two way binding model |
pl-progress-model |
A variable |
Pass a variable to store the percent of file uploaded. |
Two way binding model |
pl-instance |
An object |
Pass an object to get the instance of plupload class, you can now customize the uploader object the way you want. |
Two way binding model |
pl-url |
A string |
Pass the path of the upload script. |
String |
upload.php |
pl-max-file-size |
A string |
Pass the max size of the file. |
String |
10mb |
pl-flash-swf-url |
A string |
Pass the flash swf url. |
String |
lib/plupload/plupload.flash.swf |
pl-silverlight-xap-url |
A string |
Pass the silverlight xap url. |
String |
lib/plupload/plupload.flash.silverlight.xap |
pl-filters-model |
An array |
Pass an array with the title and extensions of files you want to upload |
Two way binding model |
[{title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,jpeg,gif,png"}] |
pl-multi-params-model |
An object with its parameter and value.Example-{'path':'C:/Users/vaio/'} |
Pass an object with the params and its value you want to send to the upload script |
Two way binding model |
id |
A unique id |
Pass a id to your button if u want it to be the browse button.If not passed the directive assigns a unique id to the button. |
String |
a random unique id. |